You wanna soar high in the air? Then wingsuit flying is what you need to try. Spreading our wings and flying like a bird is always predominated in human mind which gave birth to wingsuit flying as the air travel could not quench our thirst. Wingsuits were developed in the late 1990's which resembles like an animal. It is also sometimes referred as bird-man suits or flying squirrel suits or even bat suits.
Want to know how Wingsuit flying works?
area with the fabric and creating pressurized zones between the legs, torso and arms for gliding through the air. A wingsuit can be safely flown from any regular drop zones and is equipped with a parachute for safe landing. For every foot you drop, it will take you 3 feet forward in your flight on an average. Wingsuit flying can also be landed without a parachute with some expert techniques by controlling the decent path and lowering the velocity. Wingsuit flying is not for the unfit as your body muscles plays a vital role for flying in a wingsuit.
If you want to learn wingsuiting then check out the places where the courses are offered. The courses like static line, AFF are for learning skydiving which is the basic step to wingsuiting.
You need to understand a lot about your body type and skills. So while you are getting certified for static line and AFF you will have a better understanding of free fall before you try with wingsuit flying training. You need to be lot experienced with free falling and have an understanding of weather and wind. To get into wingsuit flying, you need to make some very quick decisions. So, go to some skydiving school first and have your target to fly in a wingsuit in next two years.
There are different types of wingsuits for beginner to expert level pilots. Wingsuit price ranges between $500-$2000. You can choose your prefered wingsuit according to your level of experience from various companies as Tony wingsuits, Squirrel suits, Phoenix Fly, Birdman, S-Fly and others.
You must be 18 to skydive, but there is no set age limit on wingsuit flying. Once you meet the requirements and training, you can begin for yourself along with others who enjoy the thrill just as much as you
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